Inside NM Group – Ben Bottoms


Based in Vancouver, Ben Bottoms is one of our Project Managers. Having joined us last year, he shares his experience of his first year working at NM Group:

What did you do before you worked here?

Prior to NM Group, I worked for more than 16 years in power generation and back-up power solutions with a focus on project management, financial analysis and bid management activities.  This included engineering consulting, project scheduling, cost estimating and bid management for hydro projects as well as project management for utility-scale solar and broadband cable installations.

What was that process like?

My first interview was a lengthy discussion that turned more into a conversation and then whiteboard discussion on LiDAR capture and PLS-CADD.  Most of this was new to me so it had a bit of a classroom feel, but also a stimulating back and forth conversation. A few weeks later, a second  interview discussed the job description in more detail and I was offered the position.     

How long have you worked for NM Group?

I joined NM Group in August 2017 and it’s been a quick and busy nine months.  My first days of trying to understand phrases like “geospatial mapping with LiDAR” and “planimetric mapping” seem like a long time ago now!

How has your role changed in the time you have worked for NM Group?

I started by supporting the bid team in proposals and bid models and also developed a market rate analysis on previous bids.  I  started to lead several smaller projects from Fall 2017 and built my experience with NM Group processes.  My role has now shifted almost entirely to become lead project manager for all North American projects.  Spring 2018 has been quite busy and although I expect to stay primarily focused on project management going forward, I’ll also assist bids, resource management and forward planning.

What opportunities have you been offered whilst working at NM Group?

Being new to this side of the utility business, I immediately had the opportunity to learn about technology and products that were previously unknown to me.  My first few weeks were specifically focused on technical training here in Vancouver as well as at the Technology Centre in Knaresborough.  Even before I was settled in with the terminology, I was given the opportunity to be the project manager on a few small projects and then quickly after that, all of the North American projects.  The quick start was a bit intimidating at first, but it was an opportunity to succeed, to prove myself, to rely on my experience and in the end it solidified the confidence that others had in me from the start.  On an individual project level, my biggest opportunity has been to lead the 2018 AltaLink project in Alberta Canada, which is the largest single project in NM Group’s history and is starting capture in April 2018.     

What would you say are some of the biggest challenges you face here?

Since my first days, one of my biggest challenges has been getting up to speed with the technology and terminology.  I have many years in project management and utility projects, but the nuances to the LiDAR and geospatial mapping is very unique and specialized.  However, the NM Group team is full of very skilled and knowledgeable employees over multiple disciplines and everyone has been very helpful to me.     

“The NM Group team is full of very skilled and knowledgeable employees over multiple disciplines”

What makes you proud to work at NM Group?

I’m proud of the value that our products and services provide to the utility industry. Helping our clients to manage their maintenance, performance and risks on their networks.  Most people have no idea how much money utilities spend on something as simple as cutting trees.  The detail and accuracy of the information we provide still amazes me. 

What do you like most about working here?

I really like working for an innovative company and being surrounding by so many talented people – from  development to production, to operations, commercial and the executive team.  Even though I work away from the main office, I have always been supported by everyone within the company and that has been a big part in making this such an enjoyable experience for me.