

Safe clearances

Maintaining regulatory clearances along on the network is a constant challenge. To meet this requires a reliable, auditable and cost effective solution. Using mass data collection and analysis techniques we provide a thorough line clearance analysis for HV and rapid line profiling for LV networks.

Fire prevention

The risk of fire differs depending on location, environment and network. If forest or bush fire events can occur then understanding the location and severity of risk is paramount. Our risk analysis service prioritises and ensures targeted vegetation cutting is completed to remove any threats.

Asset integrity

All assets have a lifespan and ensuring the safe operation of power components depends on a number of variables. Ensuring asset integrity relies on receiving the best possible asset information. Equipped with this information a utility can fix or replace components based on the actual asset condition, reducing maintenance effort but ensuring safety to both employees and the public.

Virtual risk assessment

The best safety assessment is carried out on site – not based on memory or written notes. Being able to use the information conveyed in a virtual 3D environment to review, measure and understand the environment informs the safe work planning based on understanding asset position, status and environmental hazards. 3D enables a virtual risk assessment to be completed in advance of any site visits, delivering an invaluable safety benefit for potential hazardous works.

Want to learn more? Contact us today