PLS-CADD and LiDAR training successfully delivered to Canadian transmission operator


Director of Engineering, Paul Richardson (BEng Hons, CEng, MICE), recently completed an applied LiDAR and PLS-CADD™ training course for a large Canadian network operator. The training was received by members of the utilities OHL engineering department and covered a range of topics including modelling up-rating and new line optimisation within the software.

Heading up research and development at NM Group, Paul is a renowned power industry expert and long-time advocate of the use of CAD software in improving reliability and utilisation. He is a chartered civil engineer (BEng Hons, CEng, MICE), and his extensive experience, includes more than 20 years in power line engineering.

NM Group offer a range of geospatial and engineering training, tailored specifically for power sector professionals and to suit individual client requirements; covering the practical applications for LiDAR and PLS-CADD™ or, on a strategic level, how they can be used to maximise organisational value.