
In our previous blog we discussed Terrestrial LiDAR Surveys, we looked at the benefits and the applications it offers to clients. In this issue we are going to talk about Mobile LiDAR Surveys, also known as Mobile Mapping and why this can be a great solution. What is a mobile LiDAR survey? Mobile Mapping is the process of collecting geospatial data from a mobile vehicle. This can be a truck, car, ATV or boat. The common factor is that all options involve collecting spatial data, typically LiDAR and multi angled imagery.  

Optech Lynx mobile mapping system

What are the benefits? Safety – system operators can work inside the vehicle. Avoiding potential hazardous locations such as working along a road or track side. Efficient data capture – Along a road network, driving a truck fitted with survey equipment is a low cost and efficient way to collect 3D spatial data. Specialist vehicles can perform the same task on a rail network. Accuracy – laser scanning from mobile mapping can produce data with a 100 mm accuracy   What are the applications? Mobile LiDAR surveys are an ideal platform for asset management and maintenance surveys of linear infrastructure. Good applications include surveying highways or railway networks. Being vehicle based, surveys are negatively affected by difficult terrain. This makes them most cost effective in urban areas rather than in remote locations.

To find out more about terrestrial LiDAR scanning or to discuss a survey project contact us.