NM Group assist Hydro One to develop LiDAR strategy to increase network efficiency


Hydro One, one of Canada’s largest power utilities, are working with NM Group to develop a strategy to improve the efficiency of their system using LiDAR and other remote sensing techniques.

Through a collaborative project consisting of over 1,000 km of transmission and distribution circuits, the utility are evaluating how this data can be more strategically applied.

One of the principle techniques being used is Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), a technology that captures precise, dimensional measurements of both the powerline assets and the Right-of-Way. Combined with NM Group’s geospatial algorithms, this survey data is turned into a 3D model providing further network insight.

3D data is being used for a range of applications to provide information to several departmental areas, including engineering, asset management and vegetation management. Examples include validating thermal line ratings and locating tree related outage risks on the network. The main aim being to create an overarching approach that will improve reliability across the system.

CK Ng, Transmission Asset Management Director, commented “This is a great opportunity for Hydro One to explore the latest technology and develop a more effective spatial data strategy. Efficiency, productivity and innovation are important to Hydro One; exploring feasibility with NM Group, who have a history of providing customized solutions to utilities made for an informative undertaking”.

Nick Ferguson, Senior Vice President, NM Group, added, “We are pleased to assist Hydro One in the formulation and execution of a strategy that brings reliability, safety and utilization benefits to the organization and its customer base.”

In isolation remote sensing can provide specific benefits to a utility, although often for a single application. Through this initiative Hydro One aim to develop a holistic, business wide strategy and to maximize the operational efficiencies available.

About Hydro One

Hydro One Limited owns and operates essential energy infrastructure that powers Canada's biggest and most diverse provincial economy. The Company's 29,000 circuit kilometers of transmission lines and 1.3 million distribution customers represent a stable source of strong and growing cash flow.